This R package helps back up GitHub repositories from an organization using R. To install the package from GitHub:
You can read the help file with
The back_up_gh_orgs()
function requires a GitHub token,
a destination directory, and the organization name of the repositories.
It then uses the token to clone repositories from the GitHub
organization and save the files in the destination directory. The run
will download clones of all public and private repositories the token
can access.
A new personal GitHub token can be created from the GitHub settings -> Developer settings -> Personal access tokens tab. More instructions can be found on the GitHub “creating a personal access token” website.
Once you have a token, you can use it with the gh_token
argument in the back_up_gh_orgs()
function. There are two
options to set up gh_token
Option 1: simply provide token in an R script and do not share
the token with others. For example,
gh_token = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz01234567890123"
Option 2 (Recommended): Use R package
to manage GitHub credentials without printing out
the token in an R script. gitcreds::gitcreds_set()
adds Git
credentials in the credential stores and gh::gh_token()
be used to return the local user’s token. Please see gitcreds website and gh website for
more details. The token will not be shared when sharing the R
To back up all repositories from, for example,
using gh::gh_token()
, you
can use the following R code in an R script:
gh_token = gh::gh_token(),
backup_path = "C:/Users/ghbackup/",
orgs_name = c("nmfs-fish-tools", "nmfs-general-modeling-tools")
Clones of all repositories will be saved in the
directory and a zip archives of clones
of all repositories will be created under parent directory
Thanks @k-doering-NOAA for providing the solution. This approach uses an auto auth setting so no interaction is needed. See gargle’s “Non-interactive auth” vignette for more details:
options(gargle_oauth_email = "*")
zip_name <- ""
zip_path <- file.path(dirname(backup_path), zip_name)
media = zip_path,
path = googledrive::as_id(""),
name = zip_name
The full R script example can be found here: inst/extdata/examples/example_back_up_gh.R.
You can schedule the R script/workflow on Windows using the Windows
task scheduler. To add a task in an R script, you need to install taskscheduleR
package and run the example code below:
# R script with tasks
task_script <- system.file(
"extdata", "example_back_up_gh.R",
package = "ghBackup"
# Run every 5 mins, starting from within 60 seconds
taskname = "ghBackup_5min",
rscript = task_script,
schedule = "MINUTE",
startdate = format(Sys.Date(), "%m/%d/%Y"),
starttime = format(Sys.time() + 60, "%H:%M"),
modifier = 5
The full R script example can be found here: inst/extdata/examples/example_task_schedule.R.
You might be interested in cronR package if you would like to automate R workflow on Linux/Unix.