The function uses gh_token to access GitHub API URL to download organization repositories. It returns all backup materials in a folder on users' local machine.
back_up_gh_orgs(gh_token, backup_path, orgs_name = NULL)
Token number from GitHub website.
Directory where backup materials are located.
Name of the organization. A vector of names. Otherwise the function will backup all organizations that are associated with your account.
Backup of GitHub repository in the directory where backup_path
if (FALSE) {
gh_token = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz01234567890123",
backup_path = "C:/Users/ghbackup/",
orgs_name = c("nmfs-fish-tools", "nmfs-general-modeling-tools")
gh_token = gh::gh_token(),
backup_path = "C:/Users/ghbackup/",
orgs_name = c("nmfs-fish-tools", "nmfs-general-modeling-tools")