Theming presentations

The docs/ folder of the package includes an .Rmd called xaringan_themer.Rmd that allows you to create a themed xaringan presentation. The themer uses the nmfspalette package to source the colors for text, background, and footnotes and then the xaringanthemer package to apply the formatting to slides without having to write CSS.

The xaringanthemer package is needed to use this template code. Custom theme settings can be modified using the style_xaringan() function. In general, the arguments to style_xaringan follow CSS property naming style and syntax. You don’t need to know CSS to use it, but it can be helpful. The style_xaringan() function generates a .css file called xaringan_themer.css that you will need to add into the

First, we will look at the arguments to change colors of text and backgrounds, which all end in _color. The following code changes the background, text, footnote, link, and code highlight color to match NOAA Fisheries theming.

Color theming

  title_slide_background_color = unname(nmfs_cols("darkblue")),
  title_slide_text_color = unname(nmfs_cols("supltgray")),
  background_color = unname(nmfs_cols("white")),
  text_color = unname(nmfs_cols("darkblue")),
  header_color = unname(nmfs_cols("darkblue")),
  inverse_background_color = unname(nmfs_cols("processblue")),
  inverse_text_color = unname(nmfs_cols("supltgray")),
  footnote_color = unname(nmfs_cols("darkblue")),
  link_color = unname(nmfs_cols("medteal")),
  text_slide_number_color = unname(nmfs_cols("lightteal")),
  code_highlight_color = unname(nmfs_cols("medteal"))
#> Warning: Colors that will be used by `theme_xaringan()` need to be in
#> hexadecimal format: text_color, header_color

Font theming

To change fonts, we use the arguments ending in _font_google. To change the font size, use the arguments ending _font_size. We also change the footnote position using the footnote_position_bottom argument. You can provide the font size in em or px units. Font arguments need to be wrapped in google_font() or xaringanthemer_font_default wrappers. If you plan to use Google fonts, search for names on the web to find fonts similar to your choice - searching for “Calibri Google font” yielded their equivalent: “Carlito”.

  header_font_google = google_font("Arimo"),
  text_font_google = google_font("Carlito", "300", "300i"),
  code_font_google = google_font("Source Code Pro"),
  footnote_font_size = "0.6em",
  footnote_position_bottom = "10px",
  text_slide_number_font_size = "0.6em"

Background images

# Find package directory
images_path <- system.file("static", package = "nmfspalette")

  background_image = file.path(images_path, "slideswoosh.PNG"),
  background_size = "cover",
  title_slide_background_image = file.path(images_path, "slideswooshver.png"),
  title_slide_background_size = "cover"

Extra css

style_xaringan(extra_css = list(".remark-slide-number" = list(
  "font-size" = "0.6em",
  "font-weight" = "bold",
  "margin" = "0px 840px -2px 0px"