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Set the initial global, scenario, and iteration seeds


set_MSE_seeds(seed = NULL, iter_vec)



Input a fixed seed to replicate previous simulation runs. Seed can be a single value for a global seed, n_scenarios+1 length vector for scenario specific and a global seed, n_iterations+n_scenarios+1 length vector for iteration scenario and global seeds. Can also be a list object with a single value under seed[["global"]], a vector under seed[["scenario"]], and a multiple vectors for iteration specific seeds under seed[["iter"]][[1:n_scenarios]].


The number of iterations per scenario. A vector of integers in the same order as scen_name_vec.


A list of length 3 with 1) the global seed value; 2) the scenario seed values; and 3) the iteration seed values.


seeds <- set_MSE_seeds(seed = seq(10, 80, by = 10), iter_vec = c(2, 3))