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Get the Fishing mortality from the timeseries Report.sso table


get_F(timeseries, fleetnames, fleetnames_all)



The timeseries table from r4ss::SS_output().


A vector of fleet names, in the order they appear in the ss model.


A vector of ALL fleet names that are in the model in the order that they are specified in the model. This vector helps the function know which order the fleets appear in the model.


a list containing: F_df, a long dataframe with F by Yr, Era, Seas, and fleet; F_rate, a data frame with F for the time frame of the model only by Yr, Seas, and Fleet, ordered as the ss.par file expects; init_F, a named vector of initial F values by Season and Fleet, ordered (and named) as SS expects; and F_rate_fcast, a dataframe of forecasted F by Yr, Seas, and fleet, ordered as SS would expect in F_rate.