Get results in a list for 1 iteration, using ss3sim::get_results_iter
dir = getwd(),
scenarios = NULL,
run_parallel = FALSE,
n_cores = NULL,
overwrite = FALSE
- dir
Path to the directory containing the scenarios, either relative or absolute. Defaults to the working directory.
- scenarios
A character vector of scenarios in dir from which to extract summaries. If left as NULL, the summaries will be extracted from all folders in dir.
- run_parallel
Option to use parallel processing on iterations. Defaults to FALSE
- n_cores
how many cores to use if running in parallel defaults to n_cores available - 1 (also capped at one less than the number of cores available)
- overwrite
Allow existing files to be overwritten?
A list of 3 data frames called scalar, ts, and dq (for derived quantities). These lists contain information for multiple model runs (estimation models and operating models) for 1 iteration.Also writes 3 .csv files with the contents of this list of dataframes to dir and 3.csv files with scenario specific results in each of the scenario foldurs..